From the radical imagination to revenge capitalism (and back)

Mar 23, 2021 - 09:00

Online (Swedish Royal Institute of Art's Collective Practice Research Course)

Online public  talk for the Swedish Royal Institute of Art’s Collective Practice Research Course. More information coming soon.

Ours is an age when the contradictions of a capitalism rooted in patriarchy and imperialism have accelerated to such an extent that it appears to be taking a needless, warrantless vengeance on people and the planet. It is no surprise, then, that the global revenge economy finds its expression in various insidious revenge politics. These are characterized by the rise of far-right political formations around the world that offer no vision of a bright future but leverage sentimental illusions of a stolen past. Even movements for liberation often get caught up in the revanchist turn. What are the prospects for the radical imagination? Beyond the call to imagine and strive for post-capitalist futures, how are the forms of relationally and reproduction that movements are practicing prefiguring the world that we might build—and are building–in the ashes of revenge capitalism?