In the lead up to the Digital/Debt/Empire gathering in April 2019 Public Seminar, the online platform of the New School for Social Research, hosted a series of scholarly blog posts from gathering invitees.
The pieces are as follows
- Art, Research and Action Against Debt’s Digital Empire,
Max Haiven, Enda Brophy, Benjamin Anderson (April 4, 2019) - Stolen Land, Standing Ground, and the Viral Spectacle of White Entitlement,
Alyosha Goldstein (April 4, 2019) - Artist-as-Debtor, Debt-as-Creator,
Noah Fischer (April 15, 2019) - Academia, Grassroots Organizations, and Debt,
Ann Larson (April 22, 2019) - The Violence of Abstraction,
Alberto Toscano (May 9, 2019) - Debt: A Lever of Dispossession,
Iolanda Fresnillo (May 22, 2019) - (Sur)real Estate, Speculative Capital and Housing Displacement,
Cassie Thornton, (May 22, 2019) - Accumulation by Education: White Property and Racialized Debt,
Iyko Day (June 14, 2019)