Launched in June 2021, this is a podcast, research and intervention project about conspiracies fantasies in a gamified capitalist world, led by Max Haiven, A.T. Kingsmith and Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou.
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The podcast is the second season of THE ORDER OF UNMANAGEABLE RISKS whose first season focused on capitalism and anxiety. This season we’re back with anew coh-host and a new focus!
Our first guest is Wu Ming 1, an original and ongoing member of the Wu Ming collective, which was founded in Bologna in 2000 and has, since that time, published several collaboratively written novels including 54, Manituana, Altai, The Army of Sleepwalkers, and The Invisible Everywhere, which have been translated into many languages.
Wu Ming evolved out of the experimental collective project Luther Blisset whose famous 1999 novel Q focused on conspiracies of liberation and of repression during the Protestant Reformation of the 16th century.
More recently, that novel and the Wu Ming Collective have been the subject of a great deal of speculation around the rise of the QAnon conspiracy fantasy. Regarding that, Wu Ming 1 has just published a book in Italian, La Q di Qomplotto (The Q in Qonspiracy: How Conspiracy Fantasies Defend the System), which presents a highly original and important analysis of the genesis and dangers of this strange hallucination.
We speak to Wu Ming 1 about this new book and more!
Interviews with excellent future guests are ahead, including:
- Jess Rowan Marcotte on queer gaming
- Arun Kundnani on Islamophobic conspiracy theories
Stay tuned!