TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies has published its 45th issue, mostly made up of a section edited by Benjamin J. Anderson, Enda Brophy and I (Max Haiven) and made up of some very compelling work.
You can find the issue here:
I’ve linked here to PDFs of these articles, which are unfortunately otherwise paywalled.
- “Introduction: Zero Credit” (Benjamin Anderson, Enda Brophy, Max Haiven)
Themed articles
- “‘Into Human Flesh and the Human Heart’: On Promotionalism and the Long Con of Fintech Credit-Scoring” by Alison Hearn
- “Notions of the Possible: Smart-Contracts and the Obscene Sign of (Racial) Freedom” by Ian A. McKenzie
- “#buildbanksbetter: Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), Public Banks and Money’s Potential as a Non-Scarce Medium of Communication and a Source of Local Self-Determination” by Matthew Tiessen
- “Dangerous Play in an Age of Technofinance: From the GameStop Hunger Games to the Capitol Hill Jamboree” by Max Haiven, A.T. Kingsmith, Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou
- “Capitalist Telepathics, Psychic Debt and the Search for Collective Intelligence” Jacquelene Drinkall
Themed commentaries and roundtables
- “The Pandemic as Financial Laboratory” by Verónica Gago and Luci Cavallero, translated by Liz Mason-Deese
- “COVID-19 and the Care of the Financialized Self” by Kelly Gates
- “The End of Abstraction? The Triumph of Abstraction? A Prospective Dilemma” by Franco Bifo Berardi, translated by Enda Brophy
This project is the culmination of a several-years long collaboration between me, Ben and Enda. It also included…
Digital/Debt/Empire short interventions series (2019)
One of the first manifestations of our collaboration was a special stream of the New York’s New School’s online platform Public Seminar in 2019. It included:
- Art, Research and Action Against Debt’s Digital Empire,
Max Haiven, Enda Brophy, Benjamin Anderson (April 4, 2019) - Stolen Land, Standing Ground, and the Viral Spectacle of White Entitlement,
Alyosha Goldstein (April 4, 2019) - Artist-as-Debtor, Debt-as-Creator,
Noah Fischer (April 15, 2019) - Academia, Grassroots Organizations, and Debt,
Ann Larson (April 22, 2019) - The Violence of Abstraction,
Alberto Toscano (May 9, 2019) - Debt: A Lever of Dispossession,
Iolanda Fresnillo (May 22, 2019) - (Sur)real Estate, Speculative Capital and Housing Displacement,
Cassie Thornton, (May 22, 2019) - Accumulation by Education: White Property and Racialized Debt,
Iyko Day (June 14, 2019)
The Digital/Debt/Empire symposium (2019)
In April of 2019 we held a three-day event of public talks, workshops and a symposium in Vancouver, including presentations and participation from people including Brenna Bhandar, Glen Coulthard, Iyko Day, Noah Fischer, Alyosha Goldstein, Iolanda Fresnillo, Peter James Hudson, Anne Larson, Frances Negrón-Muntaner, Jerome Roos, Cassie Thornton and Alberto Toscano.