

All Tagspandemicconspiracies and conspiracy theoriesIndigenous strugglestechnologyartresearch methodsliteraturecolonialism and empireCanadascience/speculative fictionmoneyrace and racismcommonsbook reviewsneoliberalismfilmculturegraphic novelpodcastfooddebtPalm Oilrevengeauthoritarianismdigital technologygamessocial movementsmental healtheducationclimate and ecologythe radical imaginationopioid crisisfinancializationpodcaststheoryAmazonglobalizationUnited Statesdreams and dreamingimagination

Writing Back Against Amazon’s Empire (Triple-C)

A copy-edited version of the following paper, “Writing Back Against Amazon’s Empire: Science Fiction, Corporate Storytelling, and the Dignity of the Workers’ Word,” by Max ... Read more...

Mayday Movement (anti-)Academy, Berlin April 29 – May 3, 2024

Sense & Solidarity (a project I run with Sarah Stein Lubrano) is pleased to announce the Mayday Movement (anti-)Academy, a four-day workshop for community organizers, ... Read more...

Exploits of Play: A Podcast about Games and Capitalism

It has been a treat to work with the wonderful Weird Economies project on a new 10-episode podcast, “The Exploits of Play,” which will be ... Read more...

Color, corporations and other fictions

An edited version of this essay appeared in a catalogue published to accompany Danish artist Hannibal Andersen’s 2022 exhibition The Abstract Expression of Privatization. In ... Read more...

Financial capital and ghosts of empire: Editorial

The following text was published in January 2024 and is the editorial introduction to a special section of the Journal of Cultural Economy on Finance ... Read more...

Help us fund WHAT DO WE WANT? A podcast about changing hearts and minds…

Hi! I hate to fundraise, but I love this project and I’d like to see it become a reality. I really think it will be ... Read more...

10 Years of the Radical Imagination podcast mini-series

Ten years ago, Alex Khansnabish and I were putting the finishing touches on a book that would, in 2014, but published by the venerable Zed ... Read more...

Why play games with conspiracies? (ephemera)

A reflection on creating and playing CLUE-ANON, a board game about why conspiracy theories are so fun... and so dangerous...

Amazon Workers’ Sci-Fi Writing Is Imagining a World After Amazon

Amazon founder Jeff Bezos often talks about humanity starting again on other planets. But a new project funding Amazon workers’ sci-fi writing is imagining how life could be different right here on...

Care as Revenge, Revenge as Care: Two Riddles

This short text will appear in Thick Press‘s An Encyclopedia of Radical Helping, due out in 2024. 1. First: Under what conditions could care be ... Read more...

Mobilizing Hearts and Minds (free course, fall 2023)

A free 12-week course for social movement protagonists about how minds change, drawing on critical theory, cognitive science and activist knowledge...

The Workers’ Speculative Society podcast

Launching a new podcast about the future Amazon is building and the workers, writers and communities that are fighting for different worlds...

From financialization to derivative fascisms (Social Text)

A slightly updated version of this article has been published in Social Text 155 (2023): https://doi.org/10.1215/01642472-10383207 Abstract The last 40 years of financialization has laid ... Read more...

Climate Workers of the World Unite? (BG)

This text was commissioned by the Berliner Gazette for their 2023 project Allied Grounds. It is in English here and German here. Climate Workers of ... Read more...

Sacrifice (Finance Aesthetics)

An edited version of the following text will be published in 2024 as part of Goldsmiths Press’s Finance Aesthetics: A Critical Glossary, edited by Frederik ... Read more...

Board games as social media: Towards an enchanted inquiry of digital capitalism

In a world where most people feel caught in an unwinnable game, scholars should move beyond strategies of disenchantment and recognize the power of games...

Clue-Anon, gaming conspiracy, and the anti-authoritarian imagination

An edited version of following text will appear later in 2023 as part of the Global Visual Handbook of Anti-Authoritarian Counterstrategies, published by the Rosa ... Read more...

For the refusal of unpayable debts: An artists’ roundtable with Dele Adeyemo, Ahmed Isamaldin, Bahar Noorizadeh, and Gary Zhexi Zhang (JCE)

The following roundtable, presented here in preliminary, unedited form, will be published in a special issue of The Journal of Cultural Economy on the topic ... Read more...

Anxiety and self-sabotage in the neoliberal university

In this chapter, we ask a series of speculative questions about the subterranean cultural politics of anxiety in the neoliberal university. What will, or what can, come after the ‘financialised...

Launching: Worker as Futurist, an SF group for Amazon workers

We are launching a paid group for current and former Amazon workers to write about the future they envision. Applications due Feb 10, 2023...

Zero Credit: Countering the Dreams of Techno-Finance (TOPIA)

TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies has published its 45th issue, mostly made up of a section edited by Benjamin J. Anderson, Enda Brophy and ... Read more...

An interview with Wu Ming 1 about the Qanon conspiracy fantasy, collective creativity, and the (ab)uses of enchantment (Theory, Culture, and Society)

An edited version of this interview will appear in a future issue of Theory, Culture, and Society. It is a transcribed and edited version of ... Read more...

The fate of the artist at the end of  capitalism’s cosmology

This essay was commissioned as the inaugural input to Gamechanger, a Berlin-based platform to “explore contemporary mindsets and cultures of self-organization and work in the ... Read more...

An ‘anxiety epidemic’ in the financialized university: Critical questions and unexpected resistance (Cultural Politics)

This article, written be me and Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou, has appeared in the 18th volume of the journal Cultural Politics. Financialization is transforming social subjects and ... Read more...

Dreaming together: Artists mobilizing collective dreaming methods for the radical imagination (Capacious)

The following article will appear in the online, open-access Capacious: Journal for Emerging Affect Inquiry later in 2022 in a slightly different form. It stems ... Read more...

Dangerous Play in an age of Technofinance (TOPIA)

The following text, which has not yet been copyedited or proofed, was co-authored by Max Haiven, AT Kingsmith and Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou and is forthcoming in ... Read more...

CBC interview on Palm Oil: The Grease of Empire and other interviews and reviews

Last month, my book Palm Oil: The Grease of Empire was published by Pluto Books. Since then a number of interviews and reviews have come ... Read more...

Is Amazon the Borg? We Asked Their Workers (LA Review of Books)

This essay was published in the Los Angeles Review of Books on May 7, 2022. Is Amazon the Borg? We Asked Their Workers By Max ... Read more...

The Sacrificial Altar of Extractive Capitalism: Notes on Abolition and Transition (Mediapart/Berliner Gazette)

This text, published in English on Mediapart, is a contribution to the Berliner Gazette’s “After Extractivism” text series; its German version is available on Berliner ... Read more...

A reflection on the radical imagination: From finance to social movements to games (Junkyard)

A reflection on how I came to be fascinated by the power of the imagination for The Junkyard: A scholarly blog devoted to the study of imagination...

Far from Ukraine, Putin’s War Worsens Palm Oil Crisis (Boston Review)

A piece in Boston Review about the imperial history of palm oil, from the transatlantic slave trade to the invasion of Ukraine...

“Revenge Politics, Revenge Economy, Revenge Culture” dossier (Social Text Periscope)

Text, the venerable journal of critical theory, has published a dossier of short pieces on revenge in their online annex, Periscope...

Recasting the future with Amazon workers (Routledge Handbook of Creative Futures)

An essay for the Routledge International Handbook for Creative Futures about how we can work with Amazon workers to envision radical alternatives...

Palm Oil: The Grease of Empire (excerpt)

mystified human sacrifice, hidden in plain sight. The stories I tell in Palm Oil trace this system’s contours and seek answers in its past...

Entangled Legacies: Race, finance and inequality (Manchester University Press)

Manchester University Press 2023: a collection edited by Paul Gilbert, Clea Bourne, Max Haiven and Johnna Montgomerie for newcomers and specialists alike...

Genres Against Markets workshop, Berlin July 11-15

If you aren’t automatically redirected, please visit https://reimaginingvalue.ca/genres/...

I Dream of DeFi: A Conversation (Flash Art)

Original –> https://flash—art.com/2021/01/defi-decentralization-crypto-art/ I Dream of DeFi. A Conversation with Ruth Catlow, Max Grünberg, Max Haiven, Aude Launay, and Denise Thwaites...

Financialization and failure: Lessons from the anxious university (Routledge International Handbook of Failure)

The following is the uncorrected text for a chapter in the forthcoming Routledge International Handbook of Failure: Critical Perspectives from Sociology and other Social Sciences, ... Read more...

Debt and Financialization of Childhood (Oxford Bibliographies)

The following text is a not-yet copy-edited draft of Max Haiven. 2022 (in production). “Debt and Financialization of Childhood” in Oxford Bibliographies in Childhood Studies, ... Read more...

Wages of Dreamwork, Wages for Dreamwork (transmediale)

Original: https://transmediale.de/almanac/wages-for-dreamwork In 1838, Louis Daguerre captured a streetscape including a Parisian shoe-shiner at work, in what is said to be the first photograph of...

Our age of uprisings (ROAR Magazine)

I’m very pleased to have contributed a framing article to the ROAR Magazine special issue MOBILIZE!, Published on 15 December 2021. The original can be ... Read more...

“Is Marx still a threat?” Extrablatt (Arts of the Working Class)

In February of 2022, the German Historical Museum in Berlin will open an exhibition on “Karl Marx and Capitalism.” They asked the Berlin-based bimonthly newspaper ... Read more...

Reappointed: Canada Research Chair in the Radical Imagination

I am honoured to be able to announce that I have been awarded a second term as a tier II Canada Research Chair (CRC) at ... Read more...

Whither Harmony Square?: Conspiracy Games in Late Capitalism (LA Review of Books)

The following piece by Conspiracy Games and Countergames reseachers Max Haiven, A. T. Kingsmith and Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou was printed in the Los Angeles Review of ... Read more...

A sci-fi reading/film group for Amazon workers (Sociological Review blog)

I am very pleased to be working with Graeme Webb and Xenia Benivolski on a new project that is piloting a methodology for using science ... Read more...

Should Artists ‘Take the Money and Run’? (Art Review)

The following is a preliminary version of the text published on October 6, 2021 in ArtReview: https://artreview.com/should-artists-take-the-money-and-run-jens-haaning/ The mainstream news cycle is...

A review of J. Lorand Matory’s The Fetish Revisited: Marx, Freud and the Gods Black People Make (Journal of Cultural Economy)

This review of Review: J. Lorand Matory’s The Fetish Revisited: Marx, Freud and the Gods Black People Make will appear later this year in the ... Read more...

Money and art: The worst of friends, the best of enemies

The following essay appears in English and Romanian a special issue (#48/49) of the highly-regarded Romanian journal ARTA,  edited by the artist Dan Mihălțianu, whose ... Read more...

Conspiracies and Countergames Online Summer Institute (19/7-05/8)

Hosted by RiVAL: The ReImagining Value Action Lab What? A three-week online Summer Institute bringing together artists, activists, scholars, students, gamers and weridos to learn ... Read more...

Conspiracy Games and Countergames podcast

Launched in June 2021, this is a podcast, research and intervention project about conspiracies fantasies in a gamified capitalist world, led by Max Haiven, A.T. ... Read more...

Revenge Against Revenge: Biden’s Revenge Politics and “The Cure at Troy” (LA Review of Books)

This essay first appeared on March 8, 2021 in The Los Angeles Review of Books: https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/revenge-against-revenge-bidens-revenge-politics-and-the-cure-at-troy/ An audio...

Was the GameStop frenzy an artwork? (Hyperallergic)

This essay originally appeared in HyperAllergic –> https://hyperallergic.com/624288/was-the-gamestop-frenzy-an-artwork/ Was the GameStop scandal some kind of massive, participatory activist...

Revenge capitalism and the drug war (The Brief podcast)

I was interviewed by  the fascinating Podcast The Brief about the opioids crisis and revenge politics. It’s available here: http://thebriefpodcast.com/revenge-capitalism-the-drug-war/...

The GameStop saga is not the revenge against finance we deserve (Novara)

My essay “The GameStop Saga Is Not the Revenge Against Finance We Deserve” has been published by Truthout here:...

The power, potential and peril of the GameStop affair (ROAR Magazine)

ROAR Magazine has published my essay “The power, potential and peril of the GameStop affair”  –> https://roarmag.org/essays/gamestop-affair-financialized-resistance/   There...

Settler Capitalist Multiculturalism, Indigenous Refusal, and the Spectre of Bankruptcy: Rebecca Belmore’s Gone Indian

Haiven, Max. 2020. “Settler Capitalist Multiculturalism, Indigenous Refusal, and the Spectre of Bankruptcy: Rebecca Belmore’s Gone Indian.” in The Aesthetics of Ambiguity: Understanding...

Our Wrecks of the Medusa: A Dialogue

Phanuel Antwi and I prepared this dialogue for publication by Ramallah’s AM Qattan Foundation in their ebook Isolation, Separation and Quarantine: More than a Pandemic, ... Read more...

Unraveling capitalism’s revenge: An interview (ROAR Magazine)

The following interview, conducted by Liam Hough, appeared in ROAR 0n 26 November 2020: https://roarmag.org/essays/max-haiven-revenge-capitalism-interview/...

Empires of Pain: A Story of Racism, Opioids and Revenge (graphic novel)

It is my great pleasure to present “Empires of Pain: A story of Racism, Opioids and Revenge,” a short 15-page web-comic I produced along with ... Read more...

Orcas are not taking nature’s revenge, but we should (ROAR Magazine)

My essay on endangered whales attacking boats in the Strait of Gibraltar has been published by ROAR Magazine here and below. Here is also an ... Read more...

Thirteen Theses Toward a Materialist Theory of Revenge Capitalism

My short essay, “Thirteen Theses Toward a Materialist Theory of Revenge Capitalism,” has appeared in a new edited collection: Challenging the Right, Augmenting the Left ... Read more...

“Art, debt, capitalism and revenge” lecture at Slade

A video of an illustrated lecture I gave (virtually) at The Slade School at UCL in May.  It offers something of an overview of my ... Read more...

Revenge Capitalism conversation with Marc Garrett (video)

I spoke with scholar and Furtherfield co-founder and co-director Marc Garrett as part of RadicalxChange‘s 2020 online conference. We discuss many of the key themes ... Read more...

“Revenge Spending” Won’t Get Us Out of a Crisis of Racial Capitalism (Novara)

Novara has published a short essay “‘Revenge Spending’ Won’t Get Us Out of a Crisis of Racial Capitalism” Like the commodification of revenge culture, the ... Read more...

The Order of Unmanageable Risks podcast launch: June 15

We are pleased to launch The Order of Unmanageable Risks: A Podcast about Capitalism and Anxiety on June 15 at 9am EST, 2pm BST. Join ... Read more...

Rising up against white revenge (ROAR Magazine)

ROAR Magazine has published a short essay I wrote “Rising up against white revenge.” The current uprisings reveal that America is haunted by the reality ... Read more...

The Order of Unmanageable Risks podcast

The Order of Unmanageable Risks is an eclectic podcast about the crisis of anxiety in our society today and its links to the system of ... Read more...

Revenge Fantasy or Avenging Imaginary? (e-flux)

E-Flux has published an edited excerpt from my book Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, and the Settling of Unpayable Debts. ... Read more...

Capital’s Vengeful Utopia: Unpayable Debts from Above and Below (L’Internationale)

L’Internationale, the joint online and print publishing initiative of seven major European art institutions, has published a new essay “Capital’s Vengeful Utopia: Unpayable Debts from...

Capitalism as Revenge :: Revenge Against Capitalism An Interview with Max Haiven (Socialism and Democracy)

The journal Socialism and Democracy has published an edited transcript of a  interview with me by C. S. Soong of KPFA’s long-form interview show Against ... Read more...

In conversation with Phanuel Antwi about Revenge Capitalism

I was thrilled to talk with my friend Dr. Phanuel Antwi about my new book Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, the Demons of Capital, ... Read more...

No artist left alive (Arts of the Working Class)

My short, provocative essay “No Artist Left Alive” has appeared in the 11th issue of the Berlin-based broadsheet Arts of the Working Class. It argues ... Read more...

Beyond capitalist authoritarianism, the radical imagination

My short essay “Beyond capitalist authoritarianism, the radical imagination” appears in the collection We Resist: Defending the Common Good in Hostile Times, edited by Cynthia ... Read more...

On Covid-19, capitalism and what comes after (Audio – This in Hell – 50m)

The radio program This is Hell! interviewed me about my recent article (and post-script to my forthcoming book Revenge Caitalism) in ROAR Magazine “No Return ... Read more...

“Max Haiven on the desire for vengeance and the demons of capital” interview on Pretty Heady Stuff podcast (1h)

My old friend Scott Stoneman interviewed me for his podcast Pretty Heady Stuff about themes in my forthcoming book Revenge Capitalism: The Ghosts of Empire, ... Read more...

No return to normal: For a post-pandemic liberation

Original at: https://roarmag.org/essays/no-return-to-normal-for-a-post-pandemic-liberation/ Spanish translation: http://comunizar.com.ar/sin-retorno-la-normalidad-una-liberacion-poscoronavirus/ The...

The Politics of the Opioid Crisis on KPFA’s Against the Grain (audio)

I was pleased to have an opportunity to talk through some of the themes in a chapter titled “Our Opium Wars Pain, race, and the ... Read more...

Introduction to Art After Money, Money After Art (audio)

An audio recording of the introduction to Art After Money, Money After Art: Creative Strategies Against Financialization (2018)...

Four-part interview with The Conversation on art and money (audio)

In the Spring and Summer of 2019 The Conversation Art Podcast was kind enough to publish a four-part interview with me about my 2018 book ... Read more...

Culture and Financialization: Four Approaches

Citation Haiven, Max. 2020. “Culture and Financialization: Four Approaches.” In The Routledge International Handbook of Financialization, edited by Natasha van der Zwan, Daniel Mertens, and ... Read...

Is there a radical potential in the epidemic of student anxiety on today’s campuses? (Audio)

Today, the problem of anxiety among students on university campuses has reached epidemic proportion, gaining the attention and concern not only of university administrators and ... Read more...

Preparing for Millions to Bury their Smartphones

By Krystian Woznicki An interview with the art collective The University of the Phoenix about responding to the climate crisis with a global secret society ... Read more...

From anxiety to revolt? Against the financialized university

Original: https://roarmag.org/essays/from-anxiety-to-revolt-against-the-financialized-university/ From anxiety to revolt? Against the financialized university By Max Haiven and Aris...

Art, Money and Financialization: Six Radical Money Artists on Either Side of 1973

Citation Haiven, Max. 2019. “Art, Money and Financialization: Six Radical Money Artists on Either Side of 1973.” In A Cultural History of Money: The Modern ... Read more...

Interview with Max Haiven: Art after Money, Money after Art

Geert Lovink and I had a conversation about my book Art After Money, Money After Art: Creative Strategies Against Financialization in the context of Dan ... Read more...

The Art of Unpayable Debts

Citation Haiven, Max. 2019. “The Art of Unpayable Debts.” In The Sociology of Debt, edited by Mark Featherstone. London: Policy. Abstract This chapter provides a ... Read more...

Digital/Debt/Empire interventions series

In the lead up to the Digital/Debt/Empire gathering in April 2019 Public Seminar, the online platform of the New School for Social Research, hosted a ... Read more...

Revenge Capitalism interview on Against the Grain (audio)

CS Soong of KPFA’s excellent radio program Against the Grain interviewed me about the theoretical core of my forthcoming book (May 2020) Revenge Capitalism: The ... Read more...

Currencies of Exodus: The Hidden Ledger of Proletarian Money Sabotage

Citation Haiven, Max. 2019. “Currencies of the Undercommons: The Hidden Ledger of Proletarian Money Sabotage.” In  State Machines: Reflections and Actions at the Edge of ... Read more...

The Colonial Secrets of Canada’s Most Racist City

This essay, published in ROAR Magazine, explores the deep colonial roots of anti-Indigenous racist violence in the city of Thunder Bay. Original:...

“Our Opium Wars: The Ghosts of Empire in the Prescription Opioid Nightmare” in Third Text (audio)

The journal Third Text has published a short essay titled “Our Opium Wars The Ghosts of Empire in the Prescription Opioid Nightmare” (v.32, i.5-6, it ... Read more...

Our Opium Wars: Our Opium Wars The Ghosts of Empire in the Prescription Opioid Nightmare

Citation Haiven, Max. 2019. “Our Opium Wars: The Ghosts of Empire in the Prescription Opioid Nightmare.” Third Text 32 (5-6): 662-669. https://doi.org/10.1080/09528822.2018.1559169 Abstract The...

Book review: Art after Money, Money after Art: Creative Strategies Against Financialization by Max Haven (Roxanne Dubois)

Original: https://cpress.org/arts-culture/news-item-64/ Book review: Art after Money, Money after Art: Creative Strategies Against Financialization by Max Haven Roxanne Dubois | 17 November, 2018 Ten...

The Politics of AI-driven Financialization

The Berliner Gazette‘s Krystian Woznicki interviewed Max Haiven as part of their 2018 thematic track AMBIENT REVOLTS. Originally published in Transversal:...

Representing (and Being Represented in) Financialization’s Derivative Sociality

Citation Haiven, Max. 2018. “Representing (and Being Represented in) Financialization’s Derivative Sociality.” In Screening Economies: Money Matters and the Ethics of Representation, edited by Daniel...

Counterspeculations scholarly audiotour of the City of London

In May of 2018 my colleague Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou and I organized a collaborative walking tour of the City of London historical financial district to explore ... Read more...

Art after Money (Open Democracy)

This essay was originally published on Open Democracy on 10 October 2018. Art after money Max Haiven Banksy’s prank on the art market rhymes with ... Read more...

What is the Fate of Creativity Under Capitalism?

This essay originally appeared on the blog of Pluto Press in September of 2018. What is the Fate of Creativity Under Capitalism? Max Haiven I ... Read more...

Political Economy at Art School

This article was originally published in Canadian Art in September of 2018. Political Economy at Art School Max Haiven Why we can’t—and shouldn’t—disentangle art from ... Read more...

Colonial Debts, Extractive Nostalgias, Imperial Insolvencies intervention series

In September 2018 the UK-based scholarly online platform Discover Society published a short selection of texts edited by Clea Bourne, Paul Gilbert, Max Haiven and ... Read more...

This is Hell interview about Art after Money, Money after Art (audio)

The podcast This is Hell interviewed me about the relationships between art and capitalism based on my 2018 book Art After Money, Money After Art: ... Read more...

RYBN: Psychogeographies of the Financial Imaginary

As part of the Counterspecualtions tour of the City of London I organized with Aris Komporozos-Athanasiou I conducted this interview with the French art ensemble ... Read more...

Short interview on RTÉ’s Culture File about Art after Money, Money after Art (audio)

Dr. Rachel O’Dwyer was kind enough to interview me for the Irish national broadcast network RTÉ’s show Culture File in January of 2018 about themes ... Read more...

Marx’s Vindication or Marx’s Revenge (audio)

This talk, “Marx’s Vindication or Marx’s Revenge?” by RiVAL co-director Max Haiven, was recorded in March of 2018 at the “200 anos de Marx” conference ... Read more...

The Crypt of Art, the Decryption of Money, the Encrypted Common and the Problem of Cryptocurrencies

Citation Haiven, Max. 2018. “The Crypt of Art, the Decryption of Money, the Encrypted Common and the Problem of Cryptocurrencies.” In Moneylab Reader 2: Overcoming ... Read more...

The Uses of Financial Literacy

Citation Haiven, Max. 2017. “The Uses of Financial Literacy: Financialization, the Radical Imagination, and the Unpayable Debts of Settler-Colonialism.” Cultural Politics 13 (3): 348–69...

“The logic of financialization is a poison in our hearts and our minds” on This is Hell! (audio))

A shorter interview with the folks at Chicago’s finest radio program, This is Hell! about financialization. Writer Max Haiven finds financialization at the heart of ... Read more...

Financialization, precarity and reactionary authoritarianism (ROAR)

Original: https://roarmag.org/essays/haiven-cultures-financialization-excerpt/ The following is an excerpt from Max Haiven’s 2014 book Cultures of Financialization: Fictitious Capital in Popular...

“Confronting Financialization Demands a Radical Cultural Politics” in Public Seminar

Original: https://publicseminar.org/2017/09/confronting-financialization-demands-a-radical-cultural-politics/ The following is a synoptic excerpt from the conclusion of Max Haiven’s Cultures of...

Wars on social reproduction: On feminism, the commons, and joyful militancy (interview with Silvia Federici)

An interview with the legendary feminist theorist and organizer Silvia Federici as part of the collection What Moves Us: The Lives and times of the ... Read more...

Be Prepared to Win: Indigenous Struggles and the Radical Imagination (Interview with Sherry Pictou))

I interviewed my friend and colleague Sherry Pictou for a collection that Alex Khasnabish and I edited titled What Moves Us: The Lives and Times ... Read more...

Participatory Art within, against and beyond Financialization

Citation Haiven, Max. 2018. “Participatory Art within, against and beyond Financialization: Benign Pessimism, Tactical Parasitics and the Encrypted Common.” Cultural Studies 32 (4): 530–59...

A Utopia for Money

This essay touches on themes covered in more detail in my book Art After Money, Money After Art: Creative Strategies Against Financialization Original:...

Commons as Actuality, Ethos and Horizon

Citation Haiven, Max. 2017. “Commons as Actuality, Ethos and Horizon.” In Educational Commons in Theory and Practice, edited by Alex Means, Graham Slater, and Derek ... Read more...

Beyond the Violence of Colonial Civility: The Art of Raven Davis

Citation Haiven, Max. 2017. “Beyond the Violence of Colonial Civility: The Art of Raven Davis.” In The Art of Civil Action, edited by Pascal Gielen ... Read more...

Struggles for a collective counter-accounting

A review essay on Miranda Joseph’s Debt to Society:Accounting for Life under Capitalism published in  Dialogues in Human Geography 6(3). In her acute, apt, and ... Read more...

Ghosts and Vagabonds

Citation Haiven, Max. 2016. “Ghosts and Vagabonds.” In The Vancouver Carts: Photographs by Kelly Wood, 113–20. London: Black Dog. Abstract This short illustrated chapter discusses ... Read more...

The Commons Against Neoliberalism, the Commons of Neoliberalism, the Commons Beyond Neoliberalism

Citation Haiven, Max. 2016. “The Commons Against Neoliberalism, the Commons of Neoliberalism, the Commons Beyond Neoliberalism.” In The Handbook of Neoliberalism, edited by Simon Springer, ... Read...

Outside but Along-Side: Stumbling with Social Movements as Academic Activists

Citation Khasnabish, Alex, and Max Haiven. 2015. “Outside but Along-Side: Stumbling with Social Movements as Academic Activists.” Studies in Social Justice 9 (1): 18–33...

Art and Money: Three Aesthetic Strategies in an Age of Financialisation

Citation Haiven, Max. 2015. “Art and Money: Three Aesthetic Strategies in an Age of Financialisation.” Finance and Society 1 (1): 38–60. https://doi.org/10.2218/finsoc.v1i1.1370 Abstract Recent...

Money as a Medium of the Imagination: Art and the Currencies of Cooperation

Citation Haiven, Max. 2015. “Money as a Medium of the Imagination: Art and the Currencies of Cooperation.” In Moneylab Reader: An Intervention in Digital Economy, ... Read more...

Interview about “Financialization’s Reach” on Against the Grain (audio))

I was pleased to talk with CS Soong of KPFA’s radio programme Against the Grain about financialization and its impacts on the imagination.  ...

An excerpt from the introduction of Cultures of Financialization (2014)

An excerpt from the introduction to my 2014 book Cultures of Financialization: Fictitious Capital in Popular Culture and Everyday Life. This book is a contribution ... Read more...

The Financialized Imagination – TOPIA 30/31 (2014)

In 2014 I, along with Jody Berland, edited a special double issue of TOPIA: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies on “The Financialized Imagination.”  It is ... Read more...

The Creative and the Derivative: Historicizing Creativity under Post-Bretton Woods Financialization (2014)

Citation Haiven, Max. 2014. “The Creative and the Derivative: Historicizing Creativity under Post-Bretton Woods Financialization.” Radical History Review 118: 113–138...

The Dammed of the Earth: Reading the Mega-Dam for the Political Unconscious of Globalization (2013)

Citation Haiven, Max. 2013. “The Dammed of the Earth: Reading the Mega-Dam for the Political Unconscious of Globalization.” In Thinking with Water, edited by Cecilia ... Read more...

Between Success and Failure: Dwelling with Social Movements in the Hiatus

Citation Haiven, Max, and Alex Khasnabish. 2013. “Between Success and Failure: Dwelling with Social Movements in the Hiatus.” Interface: A Journal for and about Social ... Read more...

Walmart, Finance, and the Cultural Politics of Securitization (2013)

Citation Haiven, Max. 2013. “Walmart, Finance, and the Cultural Politics of Securitization.” Cultural Politics 9 (2): 239-262. https://doi.org/10.1215/17432197-2346964 Abstract Walmart is not only the...

Networks, Finance Capital and the Fate of the Novel (interview with Hari Kunzru)

This interview was first published in the journal Wasafiri. Hari Kunzru (b. 1969) is a British-born author, journalist and essayist who lives and works in ... Read more...

Finance Depends on Resistance, Finance Is Resistance, and, Anyway, Resistance Is Futile (2013)

Citation Haiven, Max. 2013. “Finance Depends on Resistance, Finance Is Resistance, and, Anyway, Resistance Is Futile.” Mediations 26 (1–2): 85–106...

The Metaphoric Wealth of Finance: Or, Capitalism with a Différance (2013)

Citation Haiven, Max, 2013. “The Metaphoric Wealth of Finance: Or, Capitalism with a Différance.” In The Economy as Cultural System: Theory, Capitalism, Crisis, edited by ... Read more...

Convoking the Radical Imagination : Social Movement Research, Dialogic Methodologies, and Scholarly Vocations (2012)

Citation Khasnabish, Alex, and Max Haiven. 2012. “Convoking the Radical Imagination : Social Movement Research, Dialogic Methodologies, and Scholarly Vocations.” Cultural Studies<=>Critical...

“Halifax Nocturne versus (?) The Spectacle of Neoliberal Civics” 2012

Citation Haiven, Max. 2012. “Halifax Nocturne versus (?) The Spectacle of Neoliberal Civics.” PUBLIC: Art, Culture, Ideas 45 (July): 79–93. https://doi.org/10.1386/public.23.45.78_1 Abstract Halifax’s...

“Can Pikachu Save Fannie Mae? Value, Finance and Imagination in the New Pokeconomy” (2012)

Citation Haiven, Max. 2012. “Can Pikachu Save Fannie Mae? Value, Finance and Imagination in the New Pokeconomy.” Cultural Studies 26 (4): 516–541. https://doi.org/10.1080/09502386.2011.630480 Abstract...

Finance as Capital’s Imagination?: Reimagining Value and Culture in an Age of Fictitious Capital and Crisis

Citation Haiven, Max. 2011. “Finance as Capital’s Imagination?: Reimagining Value and Culture in an Age of Fictitious Capital and Crisis.” Social Text 108: 93–124...

“Are Your Children Old Enough to Learn About May ’68?: Recalling the Radical Event, Refracting Utopia, and Commoning Memory” (2011)

Citation Haiven, Max. 2011. “Are Your Children Old Enough to Learn About May ’68?: Recalling the Radical Event, Refracting Utopia, and Commoning Memory.” Cultural Critique ... Read more...

What is the Radical Imagination? (2011)

In 2011 Alex Khasnabish and I edited a special issue of Affinities: A Journal of Radical Theory, Culture, and Action (volume 4, issue 2) on ... Read more...

Food(&)Sovereignty (2009)

In 2009 Scott Stoneman and I edited a special issue of the online, open-access journal Politics and Culture on the topic of “Food(&)Sovereignty” Editorials Scott ... Read more...

“The Financial Crisis as a Crisis of Imagination” (2010)

Citation Haiven, Max. 2010. “The Financial Crisis as a Crisis of Imagination.” Cultural Logic 30 (online). https://doi.org/10.14288/clogic.v17i0.191526 Abstract Finance is a means by which capital...

“Privatizing Resistance: AdBusters and the Culture of Neoliberalism” (2007)

Citaiton Haiven, Max. 2007. “Privatizing Resistance: AdBusters and the Culture of Neoliberalism.” The Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies 29 (1): 85–110...

Academic articles and chapters

Public essays

Media and interviews